Pumpkin isn’t just for dessert. As one of the many varieties of winter squash, pumpkin can be used in all the same savory ways, roasted for hearty side dishes and pureed into silky soups. Plus, pumpkin’s charming shape makes a beautiful presentation on a fall table. For cooking, look for small, sweet pumpkin varieties with a thick flesh and fairly small seed cavity, like Sugar Pie, Baby Bear or Cheese pumpkins.
![]() The best part about this recipe is that it uses almost the entire pumpkin, and the seeds from the pumpkin are roasted to use for the garnish. Keep leftover toasted pumpkin seeds on hand for a seasonal snack. |
![]() Here, cubed and roasted pumpkin combines with hearty bulgur, sweet golden raisins and a hint of spice for an easy side dish. Pair it with roasted meats, or add a green salad for a light dinner. |
![]() This medley of roasted vegetables transitions between the seasons with summer’s last tomatoes and autumn’s first root vegetables and squashes. If you’ve never combined maple syrup and olive oil before, you’re in for a pleasant surprise! |
![]() This classic ravioli is dressed in a simple sauce of lightly browned butter and fresh sage, which heightens and contrasts with the sweetness of the pumpkin in the filling. It takes some time to prepare, so save it for a cozy weekend in. |
![]() This flavorful curry dish comes together in a flash, so it’s great for a busy weeknight. Leave out the chicken for a wonderful vegetarian main course, and serve over steamed rice to make it a meal. |
![]() This recipe from Chef Michael Voltaggio uses pumpkin as a serving vessel; the pumpkins are roasted until tender and filled with a Moroccan-spiced mix of lamb, vegetables and dried fruits for a dinner party-worthy dish. |
![]() This hearty lasagna is perfect for the time when late-summer produce is winding down and the first fall vegetables appear at farmers’ markets. Combining yellow squash, zucchini and pumpkin, the dish comes together quickly, thanks to our ready-to-use pasta sauce. |
![]() Chock-full of tender pork and pumpkin and seasoned with a medley of fragrant spices, this warming stew is perfect for an autumn supper with friends. A side of mashed potatoes soaks up all the savory sauce. |
![]() This hearty stew has everything we crave in the cold weather months: tender beef, sweet carrots and pumpkin, and plenty of warm spices. |
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[…] Recipe Roundup: Pumpkin for Dinner […]
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