Here’s a recipe that makes perfect use of boneless, skinless chicken breasts. Serve these flavorful, melted cheese sandwiches in the summertime, when tomatoes are sweet and fresh basil is abundant. Just be careful not to overcook the chicken, and you will have a tasty and juicy alternative to a burger.
Pesto Chicken Sandwiches
4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves, about 6 oz. each
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
1 tsp. Italian seasoning
Olive oil for brushing
8 slices fontina cheese
8 slices sourdough bread
Mayonnaise (optional)
8 thick tomato slices
4 Tbs. pesto, homemade or store-bought
Season the chicken breast halves with salt and pepper and sprinkle evenly with the Italian seasoning. Brush lightly on all sides with the oil.
Prepare a charcoal or gas grill for direct grilling over high heat. Brush and oil the grill grate.
Place the chicken on the grill directly over the fire and cook until nicely grill-marked and relatively firm to the touch, 5 to 8 minutes on each side depending on the thickness. You want the chicken to be opaque throughout but still moist and juicy inside. About 2 minutes before the chicken is ready, place 2 slices of the cheese on each breast half, cover the grill and allow the cheese to melt. Put the bread slices along the edge of the grill at the same time, and turn once after 1 minute to toast both sides.
Transfer the chicken and bread slices to a cutting board. Spread the bread slices with mayonnaise, if desired. Cut each breast half against the grain on the diagonal into 3 to 4 pieces. Arrange one sliced breast half on each of 4 bread slices. Top with 2 tomato slices, and then top the tomatoes with 1 tablespoon of the pesto, spreading it evenly over the tomatoes. Close the sandwiches with the remaining bread slices, and serve. Serves 4.
Thank you for sharing.. Amazing!!! Nice change for a chicken breast, Used whole wheat bread and still was amazing .
[…] Williams Sonoma – Pesto Chicken Sandwiches […]
you need to set this up to print better. what a waste of paper.
[…] via Williams-Sonoma […]
[…] Chicken Pesto Sandwich from Williams-Sonoma […]
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[…] Pesto chicken sandwiches | williams-sonoma taste […]
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[…] RECIPE […]
I’ve loved pesto since I was a kid. I can’t wait to make this one night this week. Yummy yum!
Love this site and your books! I have 3 so far and will be getting more soon.
When I make similar sandwiches (on whole wheat thin buns) I mix some of my pesto with the mayo and spread it on the bread. i love it with the chicken!
The veggie enchiladas were great, now I am going to make these this weekend. Thanks for the yummy recipes.
This reminds me of a sandwich we had at a deli/bistro in St Genevieve, MO. But it was on Ciabatta bread (untoasted) and had chicken breast, pesto, roasted red pepper and feta cheese. We loved it so much we started making them at home. This one sounds equally as wonderful. Will have to try. Thanks!
We had these for lunch today. They were very tasty! I added avocado slices to the sandwich too. Definitely would make these again!
Hi Mia, we apologize, but we don’t have nutritional information available for all of our recipes at this time. To approximate the calorie and fat counts, you can enter the quantities and ingredients in a website such as this one: Enjoy!
Forgive me please, but can you inform me of the nutritional Values for this sandwich? I could not find it anywhere.
Thank you for you time.
this is one of the best meals I’ve ever had! My husband and I love it and it’s the perfect thing to eat on a cool or rainy day. Great comfort food and so easy to make. I always have extra pesto leftover so we use it to make a shrimp pesto pasta and it’s just as good.
[…] (imagem) […]
[…] Time: Pesto Chicken Sandwiches Pesto is one of the best additions to a sandwich, in my humble opinion. These sandwiches look […]
I made this last night and it was so good!! I suggest putting mayonnaise on each slice of bread
Chau, we do have a Pinterest account! Find us here:
it would be nice to be able to pin this on pinterest. do you all have an account?