“Goin’ to the chapel and we’re… gonna get marrried.”
Even if your upcoming nuptials are more Zoom-centric than a “sweating the centerpieces” affair, there’s no reason to skimp on the registry front. Take it from your married buddies: This is your one chance to get the stand mixer, stainless steel cookware, or waffler of your dreams! Without further ado, here are 10 classics you’re going to use through your paper, silver and maybe even gold wedding anniversaries. (Shop our full cookware collection right on over here.)
Easier Mornings
1. Best-Ever Blender

OK, in any good relationship, mornings are crucial. They make or break the day. So keep yourself and your partner in smoothies (and milkshakes! and, er, puréed kale sauces!) using one heck of a blender. We carry a bevy of beautiful blenders, but it’s the Vitamix that is a real eye-opener.
2. Espresso Machine

Speaking of eye-opening, we’re gonna go out on a limb here and say that if you are a caffeine addict and you don’t have a rapid, pleasant way to make caffeine for the two of you, um…. best wishes, indeed. That’s why we’re so excited about this Brim dual-use espresso and programmable drip coffee maker. There’s an option for bleary Mondays and a sultry one for slow Sundays. Ahh.
3. A Waffler

Isn’t your love waffles-worthy? We thought so. We’re particularly pumped about this new option from All-Clad: It’s a digital waffle iron. You get to pick how brown you want your waffle, and have your phone tell you when your waffles are ready. (That’s more time in bed chilling; awesome). For the pragmatists among us, it stores vertically! What can’t this thing do?
Romantic Lunches

Let’s move on to lunch. Honest to goodness, we are not messing around when we say this: You deserve a really good set of stainless steel pots and pans. And if you don’t let someone else buy them for you, you might never buy them on your own. We speak from experience; it’s one thing to know you’re worthy (you so are!) and another to invest in something that will make each and every meal stress-free. They don’t even have to break the bank. So go for it.
5. A Good Knife

Maybe in the past, you made do with that one weird knife your grandma handed down ages ago. It’s not a chef’s knife, it’s not a Santoku blade… what is it? That doesn’t matter any more, because you, friend, are ready for the upgrade you deserve. Whether you deserve an 18-piece knife block or a gorgeous blonde wood-handled 7-inch Santoku blade is up to you. Just upgrade.
6. Plateware That Conjures Spring

OK, yes, citrus is typically a winter fruit, but! Stick with us, because you are going to want to see this gorgeous new line of fruit-inspired plateware that could conjure a warm April afternoon in the coldest of hearts. Just register for a set; it’ll help you turn the bend on a long winter AND remember your special day for years to come.
Stress-Free Suppers
7. French White and Gold Porcelain

No joke: You could serve us a hot dog on this French white plisse gold charger and we’d give you $20 for it. We get that excited about our French white porcelain, which, yes, you should break out for when the kids are in bed—all the better to hand it down to their kids some day.
8. A Pragmatic Pressure Cooker

There will be a night after some months years of marriage when yes, you love your partner, but you’ll be damned if you’re going to spend more than 5 minutes feeding her tonight. That’s where your electric pressure cooker comes in. Walk in the door, feed it a few defrosted chicken legs with a scoop of tomato paste, some garlic and olive oil, maybe a bit of paprika, cumin, and salt, close the top, twist, press some buttons, go wash up, then put the results next to toast for dinner. That’s a two-minute hands-on-time meal, friend. That’s what an Instant Pot can do for you two.
Cocktail O‘Clock
9. Tough Glassware for Tough Times

OK. What a day. Do some yoga or stretch it out, maybe catch a quick walk. And then after supper, if you partake, consider something neat and strong and aromatic in a beautiful glass. This one, from Riedel, is just the thing to get you excited to spend the end of your evening with the one you love.
10. Elegant Wine Glasses

Say it with us: You do not need a special event to make it a special occasion. It’s the little things as you build a life as much as it the big things. Consider elegant wine glasses for that last sip of a deep red wine or a fruity sangria as you watch the sunset or watch the rain together. We’re particularly excited about these, which we are newly carrying from the geniuses at Schott Zwiesel. But we’ve got wine glasses just right to suit the two of you.