When the weather gets warm, at least you know you can make your coffee cooler. How is it that you always seem to have a giant to-go iced coffee in your paw, but it’s perennially translucent and tasting of just… water and sugar?
We’d like to take this opportunity to remind you of the simplest, most wonderful hack there is to keep yourself in iced coffee that isn’t watered down at all times: coffee ice cubes.
Easy, breezy, and so convenient: Make coffee and let it cool, or use your cold brew toddy. Pour into an ice cube tray and freeze them. Pluck them out and add them to your iced coffee for a true-blue eye opener that is all caffeine.
You can also stash the cubes in reusable plastic bags (with the air squeezed out), and you are golden—ready to conjure a cooler outlook at any time via a beverage. Even better, it’s a way to caffeinate yourself without thinking about it or making an extra stop: Pull cubes from freezer. Put in tumbler. Deal with them when you have a minute, plus milk or sugar.
We love how fancy they look, especially when using our King Cube silicone tray:

Let the half and half swirl through the glass and think zen thoughts. Kick it up a notch for something extra-special, and blend the cubes for a coffee frappe. And just love your life.