Don’t know about you, but we’ve got a big case of the Februaries. You know what helps? Looking at photos of Paris. Maybe you haven’t booked a flight, but you can traipse through your favorite arrondissements in spirit. For our money, there’s no better guide to the City of Lights than Ina Garten, whose cookbooks we love. And if you’re not planning to travel, but need a few accoutrements and recipes to set you up feeling French at home, please allow us to help!
Here are a few of the Barefoot Contessa’s favorite things to eat and places to go in Paris.
Café Crème With Baguette, Butter, and Jam
Don’t know about you, but we don’t do nearly enough fresh baguettes with butter and jam for breakfast. A “Café Crème” is essentially a latte, possibly with a little less milk. And boy, does this look like good-quality jam. (If we had to guess the spot, we’d put our Euros on Café Varenne, Ina!)
Hot Dogs and French Fries
Bourbon Sours

Bistro Paul Bert may be one of the toughest reservations in town to snag, but we imagine they made room for the Contessa. She dined with a friend, writing, “When in Paris, it’s required that you order a Grand Marnier soufflé for dessert, right?” Since we can’t teleport ourselves to Paul Bert right this millisecond, we’ll be making one of our own Grand Marnier soufflés tonight.
When you’re Ina, the most famous bakeries in Paris make loaves with your name on them… literally. Poilâne and Ina have something in common: international renown.
Food Hall Shopping
One can absolutely have a bad meal in Paris, especially if you’re there over the winter holidays without reservations (sacré bleu!). The caliber of the average bakery and grocery store is arguably superior to that of its American counterpart, though. Witness these gorgeous lemon meringue tarts, just hanging out at the local epicerie (grocery store).
Farmers’ Market
Whether she’s snapping up all the lemons or dreaming of a Sunday dinner of roast chicken and radishes with her Valentine, Ina naturally gravitates to the Raspail market in Paris. And who wouldn’t? It looks divine.
Of all her favorites, of course Mr. Jeffrey himself is going to make a cameo. Favorite traveling companion, right here! Awww.